In computer aided design lessons we have been looking at taking last weeks hand-drawn fashion flat and making it into a digital outcome using adobe illustrator.
The way we did this was to upload a scan of our fashion flat drawing onto the illustrator app in order to be able to use it as a guideline. We first imported this scan image and set it as a locked background layer (this was important to avoid drawing directly onto the background tracing layer), before then creating a second layer that we could trace over the fashion flat from. To do this, we used the pen tool to trace outlines and construct the digital outcome - we changed the pen thickness to a higher setting in order to be able to see what we were doing much more clearly.
Once the drawing was traced, we then had a chance to play around with colour etc. I used two different shades in my design to create some variation and make it more interesting. I also, once completed, chaned the line thickness back down to one for a more neat finish.
(Progress photo)
The Final Outcome
I'm overall really pleased with the final outcome and very much enjoyed taking my design from a drawing to a professional, finalized fashion flat on abode illustrator. This will definitley be something I can take foward in my skills set and utelize for my own fashion design work!!
I love the contrasting colour shades and overall how refined and precise this technique can making the design process.
The only struggles I found I did have with my design was that some ares of the drawimng were slightly out of proportion (and this is perhaps due to working with so many curves on my garment design) and so obviousliy this made getting the symmetry acurrate more difficult - I, at points, found myself having to copy and paste one side of the digital drawing onto the other and flip it round to achive better symmetry. However, I feel the more practise I get, the better I will become with this technique. Next time I's like to try and recreate a much more complex design!
- Louise x