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Louise Love


Updated: Oct 18, 2021


Hey guys,

In textiles lessons we have been experimenting with different techniques that can link to our organic structures/nature theme. We recently looked at a technique called eco printing which involved painting the backs of the leaves with copper and iron sulfate mixed into a paste with guar gum. The leaves were then placed down in formation onto wet pieces of watercolour paper before layering more paper on-top and repeating the process. Once I was happy all my sheets were in place, metal plates were then clamped onto either side of the collection of papers to secure them all together, before they were then put into a steamer with dye in order for those eco prints to develop,

I have thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with a new range of techniques in textiles, and what I especially like about the eco-printing processes is how environmentally friendly it is - we are able to use plants and their natural pigmentation to create unique, earthly prints. I also further researched into artists Caroline Nixon and India Flint, who claim to have brought about the technique.

These two artists then inspired me to take my work further by stitching and drawing into the prints. Nixon also works with a lot of embellishment on top of her pieces which I love, so next time I will perhaps look at sewing beads or sequins onto the prints.


Can't wait to show you all my textiles work and experiments to come!

- Louise x

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