This week in textiles lesson we also looked at the technique of fabric painting to create ideas and experiments relating to my final dress/furnishing fabrics collection based on the theme of plants.
This fabric painting design was inspired by a pattern I'd seen in Liberty's (our client) - I love the the colour pallete and this beautiful teal background. I tried to recreate Liberty's intricate floral designs that pay heavy attention to small details. I feel this turned out really well and would love to see how I could incooperate this into my own pattern designs e.g. I could take elements of the flowers and leaves, reproducing them in different colours that relate to my initial mood board.
Here I produced more experiments based on some of my own initial repeat pattern design ideas. I tried to experiment with the brush in different ways e.g. pressing down on the tip to create the lavander petals and working in continuous brush strokes to create a sense of movement and flow in the pattern.
The paint was actually quite a challange to work with onto fabric as obviously it absored quite easily and therefore many layers where required in order to build up colour efficiently. However I am really interested in the results produced and feel they are a great starting point for my final fabric collection.