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Louise Love


Since being back to college for the new term, we have been looking at our new Pattern Crazy brief on the theme of Structure and I have started to look at how I can interpret this theme.

For my project, I have chosen to look at Microscopic Structures, primarily in plants - I was interested in looking closely at what plants are made-up of underneath the serface. So I've been looking at things like plant cells and plant seeds and what their structure looks like under a microscope.

The reason I chose this theme is because, when I think of the word 'Structure', I immediately think about its connotations and meanings in science, specifically biology; thinking about the structure of natural forms and plants.

I am also absolutely fascinated by the beautiful patterns, shapes and bonds that make-up these plants - this felt specifically relevant for the Pattern Crazy brief as it gives me a good basis for pattern creation.

This theme also gives me scope to play around with beautiful, vibrant colours that link to plants and potentially even the bright dye colours that are applied to them in order to be able to see them under the microscope.

I am hoping to incooperate elements of a plants structure (on the serface) into my garment, for example through the shapes and silhouette, and them utilising the pattern elements to express cellular and microscopic structures that make up these plants.


I'm looking forward to carrying this theme on in my pattern crazy project to curate something quite boundary-pushing and outside od my comfort zone!

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