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Louise Love


Last Saturday I attended an open day at university of the arts Bournemouth to look at their costume course. In this blog post I wanted to a talk a little bit about the experience and what I thought of the course.


When we arrived on the campus, I was actually quite surprised as to how small the university was, however I liked the fact that it was only for art based subjects as I like the idea of being surrounded by like-minded creatives.

The overall environment was really friendly and welcoming, - when we first arrived we headed over to the university house to register and then we were directed to the west building where I attended the BA Costume talk.

By the time we entered the studio for costume design, I was already feeling really excited by the wide range of materials and facilities, as well as being able to see some of the outfits produced on the stands!!

I loved the look of the beautiful corsets I saw on the mannequin, embellished with intricate beading and embroidery details.

During the talk, I was really excited by the range of work and projects we would be doing. The tutors spoke about first year projects such as the corsets, the 1950s blouse project, live briefs and work in collaboration with industry such as panto and costume restoration for museums, etc. It sounded like they had a real wide range of things to learn!

They also had amazing facilities such as industrial machines, print and embroidery machines, a 3D printer, fabric stockroom, l&k mannequins etc.

Another thing I really liked about the sound of the course is the amount of collaboration they have with students from different areas of the uni such as acting, theatre, film and screen, hair and makeup, etc. - It sounded like a brilliant opertunity to meet new people and push your work to the next level.

After the talk, we headed over the Costa in the fashion block to grab a drink. - The cafe was very widespread with lots of space to work and socialise.


Overall, I really enjoyed the open day at UAB and found myself really excited by the sorts of opportunities it could lead onto - this was actually the course that made me decide costume was what I wanted to persue!

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